Common name(s)
Xingu Freshwater Stingray, Polkadot Stingray, White-blotched River Stingray.
Potamotrygon leopoldi.
A large freshwater stingray with a thick, sub-circular disc that is very slightly longer than wide. Small lobe visible on tip of snout. Eyes large and bulging. Spiracles large; length approximately 3x eye length. Nostrils thin. Nasal curtain skirt-shaped with a fringed posterior margin. Mouth with 5 oral papillae.
Disc covered in denticles; more densely grouped towards centre. Pelvic fin posterior margins level with, or shorter than disc margin. Tail broad based, shorter than disc width, with well developed dorsal and ventral finfolds. 3 or more irregular rows of small thorns dorsally on tail. Origin of first caudal sting anterior to mid tail.
Dorsum blackish-brown or charcoal with many widely spaced large white or yellowish spots with darker yellow, beige, or light grey outer rings. Spots usually smaller towards disc margin. Ventrum mostly dark except around mouth and underside of snout. Small white spots usually present around disc margin.
Maximum disc width 72cm. Disc width at birth unknown.

Conservation Status
The Xingu River Stingray is declining due to pressure on multiple fronts. Adults are caught by hook and line and retained for consumption, while juveniles a collected for the aquarium trade.
The Xingu River basin has also been heavily impacted by habitat degradation from mining, farming, deforestation, and the construction of a dam in the mid-Xingu region. More impoundments are planned to be built upstream in the future.
Tropical freshwater rivers. Prefers rocky river bottoms.
South America. Confined to the Xingu River in Pará and Mato Grosso states. Also recorded from the Curuá and Iriri Rivers; both of which are tributaries of the Xingu.
Viviparous with trophodermic nutrition. Relatively fecund. 4-12 pups per litter.
The polkadot stingray feeds mostly on freshwater snails and crabs.
Poorly known.
Reaction to divers
Difficult to approach. Will bolt when discovered.
Diving logistics
There is no infrastructure for diving in the Xingu River but the river is said to be relatively clear. The Xingu is famous among aquarists for its wide variety of colorful fishes that the locals catch for export into the aquarium trade. The collectors catch small fishes by hand with a mask and snorkel and quick reflexes so the visibility must be pretty good.
The Volta Grande rapids near the town of Altamira marks the lower limit of the Xingu freshwater stingray’s range, so flying into Altamira and hiring a boat driver to take you snorkeling upstream is probably your best shot of finding this species.
Bear in mind that this ray prefers rocky areas often where there are constrictions and fast water, so snorkeling in their favorite environment will not be an easy task. Also the enormous new dam downriver from the city has changed the depth, speed, and width of the Xingu River. This will inevitably affect all of the species that live in the river. And finally, mining in the area is slowly poisoning the entire ecosystem so it may be wise to find out more about the river’s toxicity before you stick your head in.
Personally, if I get the chance, I’m going 🙂
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Similar species
Henle’s Freshwater Stingray Similarly patterned but distinguishable by browner dorsum with yellow/beige spots, and less rows of thorns on the tail.